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Tanya for Tuesday, 1 Nisan, 5784 - April 9, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 1 Nissan

29 Adar II, 5784 - April 8, 20242 Nisan, 5784 - April 10, 2024

But he whose soul's root is of too limited a capacity for this perfect service [on the level of a "chariot]", so that through his service of Torah and mitzvot he be constantly nullified before and absorbed in G-d's light, [he can therefore attain this state] only intermittently and [only] at times of divine favor on high, such as during the Shemoneh-Esreh prayer, which is at the level of Atzilut.

[The four rungs in the ladder of prayer correspond to the four Worlds: The prayers preceding Baruch She'amar correspond to Asiyah; the Psalms of Praise to Yetzirah; the Shema to Beriah, and the Shemoneh-Esreh (Amida) is at the level of Atzilut].

And especially when bowing in [the four designated places in] this prayer, [the Amida], for every such act of bowing represents the level of Atzilut ( [7] as is written in Pri Etz Chayim, in the section dealing with the welcoming of the Sabbath), for it embodies the idea of self-nullification in G-d's light - to be accounted as absolutely naught before Him.

[In the case of he who can attain the level of a "chariot" only at such propitious times], then even at these times, the principal abode of his soul is in the World of Beriah [for we are dealing here with a soul associated with the World of Beriah], ([7] and only occasionally, at a time of divine favor, will his soul rise to Atzilut as "feminine waters," as is known to the initiates of Kabbalah).



  1. (Back to text) Parentheses were in the original text.

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